
12469612_10154502545044966_4350525131432516877_o (1)Jack Kernochan is a 24-year-old educator, writer, traveler, and native of Cambridge, MA. He has lived, studied and worked in public schools in Washington, DC, Cape Town, South Africa, San Antoni, Spain and Boston, MA. He attended university at American University, earning his BA in Literature with a minor in Education Studies in the Spring of 2015. His undergraduate thesis, “‘Want to Reconnect With Your Elations?’: Kendrick Lamar, KRS One, and Collective Education”, was accepted to the Matthias Research Conference in 2015. Jack believes education is a process that promotes self-efficacy, challenges negative discourses, and fosters community through dialogue, reflection, and query. At this moment, he is either staring at Google Maps planning an upcoming trip, making hummus in his kitchen or outdoors with a pen.